Making Boolean Logic Symbolically Complete
The invocation model teaches that to achieve symbolic
completeness of expression, both data transformation
and control must be expressed in the most primitive
inherently enforced mutually exclusive value
assertion domain of the expression. In a mutually
exclusive value assertion domain, only one of
a set of two or more values can be asserted at
a time. Every expression environment has a primitive
mutually exclusive value assertion domain. For
Boolean logic the primitive mutually exclusive
value assertion domain consists of True and False,
only one of which can be asserted at a time. For
the decimal number system the values 0 through
9 are mutually exclusive. In both of these cases
the values comprising the mutually exclusive assertion
domain express only data meanings. There
is no value in either domain that expresses a
control or non-data meaning. The Invocation
Model teaches that to make Boolean logic symbolically
complete, we must add a value to the primitive
mutually exclusive assertion domain.
Making Boolean logic symbolically complete will
be presented in two steps. The first step
is to assign a value in the most primitive mutually
exclusive assertion domain to express the validity/invalidity
of data. To retain the sense of Boolean logic,
we will retain the two values expressing data
meanings in the primitive domain, so the first
step is to add a third value to the mutually
exclusive value assertion domain which we will
call NULL (not a valid data value).
We then define the truth tables to assert a data
value (True, False) only when both
input values are data values and to assert
a NULL value otherwise. Figure 1 shows the NULL
value added to the traditional Boolean truth tables
and specifies the behavior of these preliminary
NULL Convention Logic gates.

Figure 1. Boolean truth tables with NULL value
We now have a three value logic. Each wire
can assert one of three values (T, F or N)
and each gate resolves three input values. The
values T and F will be collectively referred to
as data values and NULL will be referred
to as a non-data value. If a data value is asserted
on a wire, the data value is valid. A transition
from NULL to a data value marks the beginning
of validity. A transition from a data value to
NULL marks the end of validity, or the beginning
of invalidity.
These truth tables enforce the completeness
of input criteria for data. This means that
a gate will assert a data result value only
when a complete set of data values is present
at its input. In this case, a complete set of
input data values is for both inputs to be data
(either TRUE or FALSE, but not NULL).
Furthermore, the asserted result data value is
the correct resolution of the presented input
data values if either or both input values are
NULL, a NULL result value is asserted. |