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Supplemental material for Logically Determined Design

These movies supplement the book with dynamic illustration of wavefront behavior and ring behavior.

Half Adder (1.95 MB), Simultaneou3-Bit Adder (149 KB) and Staggered 3-Bit Adder (360 KB) illustrate wavefront flow through combinational expressions.

There are seven movies that illustrate ring behavior. Ring movie tutorial (360 KB), a PDF file, discusses in detail the seven ring movies.

8x Delay (603 KB), 16x Delay (916 KB) and 24x Delay (936 KB) illustrate the behavior of a ring with a single slow stage with different data path delays.

2 Wavefronts (318 KB), 10 Wavefronts (929 KB), 12 Wavefronts (1 MB) and 22 Wavefronts (343 KB) illustrate the behavior of a ring with identical cycles and different populations of wavefronts.

Waveform Baseline (387 KB) a Microsoft Excel file is the pipeline simulation that generated the figures of chapters 10 and 11.

Download a compressed folder containing all the above files.

LDSD_Book_Material.sit 1.5 MB
LDSD_Book_Material.tgz 2.8 MB 2.9 MB
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