in computer science the expression of data transformation
and the expression of control have been viewed
as inherently independent aspects of process expression
which must, of necessity, be carefully coordinated.
In programming languages this manifests as explicit
sequence control of assignment statements. In
traditional Boolean logic circuits, the gates
and their interconnections are the data transformation
aspect and the timing relationships expressed
by careful engineering and the clock are the control
aspect (which expresses the validity and invalidity
of data values). But the data transformation
aspect and the control aspect of process expression
are not inherently independent. The expression
of both aspects can be integrated into a single
expression purely in terms of symbolic-value-dependent
relationships with no external control expression
at all. This is what is meant by a symbolically
complete expression. It is completely expressed
and completely determined solely in terms of symbolic-value-dependent
relationships. A symbolically complete logic circuit
would have no time relationships at all, and would
be completely insensitive to the propagation
delays among its component elements.
There have been attempts to eliminate time dependencies
in digital logic circuits since D. E. Muller pioneered
the pursuit in the late 1950s [1,
2]. These attempts
(in order of increasing independence from
time issues) are referred to as fundamental
mode circuits, speed-independent circuits, and
delay insensitive circuits. Only the delay insensitive
circuits are completely free of delay issues of
all circuit components including gates and wires.
Delay insensitive circuits are generally considered
the most difficult, expensive and elusive circuits
to design. Only a few truly delay insensitive
circuit designs are known. Fundamental mode circuits
typically use matched delay lines to provide a
local time reference for each circuit [4]
and speed independent circuits must make assumptions
about the insignificant propagation delay of the
wires in the circuit.
These attempts to eliminate time dependencies
are nearly always expressed within the traditional
context of Boolean logic. They focus on designing
Boolean logic circuits with appropriate switching
behavior and surrounding them with Muller C-elements
to express the control, then transmitting data
between circuits with dual-rail encoding. These
structures of Boolean logic circuits and C-elements
can become very subtle, very large and very expensive
There has been much recent work on asynchronous
design [5, 6]
but, while the pursuit of asynchronous circuits
has produced many interesting results, it has
not delivered a theoretically complete and economically
feasible solution. The current approaches still
require some assumptions about local transmission
delay and the extra circuitry needed to achieve
asynchronous control is considerably more than
is required by a functionally equivalent clocked
Boolean logic circuit.
NULL Convention Logic is a theoretically complete
and economically feasible approach to delay insensitive
circuits. In this paper, we first introduce
the NULL Convention in the context of Boolean
logic, showing how to make Boolean logic symbolically
complete as a four value logic. Then, we show
how the NULL Convention can be implemented as
a two value logic, which will prove to be the
most practical form. We conclude with a discussion
of the properties of NULL Convention Logic. |