Completeness of Expression
the notion of single-form completeness of expression
is introduced; an expression that completely characterizes
the behavior of a process in the context of a
single conceptual form of expression eliminating
the need for meta-coordination. A single-form
complete expression will be sufficient unto itself
and will behave autonomously with no need of external
manipulation, control or interpretation. It will
be the simplest and most direct form of expression
embodying and revealing the essential nature of
expression itself and of the process being expressed.
single-form complete expression can also serve
as a conceptual touchstone of comparison for other
forms of expression. As expression deviates from
a single-form completeness, introducing other
forms that must be meta coordinated it is easier
to relate the nature of each of the forms and
the nature of their meta-coordination.
paper investigates specifically the expression
of combinational processes solely in terms of
logical relationships. It will be shown that a
combinational expression can be expressed completely
in terms of logical relationships with a 4 value
logic and that with logics of fewer values the
logical completeness is compromised but that these
compromises can be locally isolated within local
logical relationships and their effect easily
minimized. A practical 2 value logic is derived
that retains sufficient logical expressivity to
enable the practical possibility of logically
determined system design.
the behavior of a combinational process is completely
logically determined, there need be no other form
of expression such as temporal relationships.
Consequently, the development of these ideas intersects
strongly with the tradition of asynchronous circuit
design. Delay insensitive is another way of saying
logically determined. While the tradition of asynchronous
design attempted to discover delay insensitivity
in the context of insufficiently expressive Boolean
Logic, [references: 5,
11, 12,
13] this paper
discovers logics in the context of the sufficient
expression of logical determination. Many of the
concepts in the progression of development are
familiar asynchronous design techniques. What
is new here is the conceptual orientation of the
quest, and the derivation rationale of the NULL
Convention Logics [reference
Can a combinational process be completely logically
the behavior of a combinational process be completely
expressed solely in terms of logical relationships?
The first step is to logically determine the beginning
and ending of a data set resolution.